By Abby C., Web Editor
In every country, in every town, in each and every school, there are kids who feel left out at lunchtime. That led to 16-year-old Natalie Hampton creating a new app called “Sit with Us.” It allows kids to create a “Sit with Us Club” at lunchtime. This creates a private chatroom that kids looking for a table can join. By joining, the kid asks to sit with that “club,” or table.
A table of people you don’t know is intimidating, and asking to join them not only opens up the possibility of rejection, but it often seems like you might as well just label yourself as an outcast. But these issues disappear with the “Sit With Us” app. “This way it’s very private. It’s through the phone. No one else has to know. And you know you’re not going to be rejected once you get to the table,” Natalie explains.
School lunch times, universally known as a hard time for many people, can now be transformed by a single app. Kids looking for new friends can now be confident, happy, and included at lunchtime. Try out the “Sit With Us” app today!
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This article originally appeared in Volume 3, Issue 2 of Hawk Headlines.